Lingual and Labial Frenotomy
At Revive, a Frenotomy is completed via laser or scalpel/scissors with local anesthetic. For children and adults, orofacial myofunctional therapy is required before and after treatment to maximize functional outcomes. After full tongue-tie releases, children and adults are often found to sleep more deeply, snore less, and feel more refreshed in the morning. Often patients report better concentration and less hyperactivity as well.
Tethered Oral Tissues
A tongue-tie is caused by a thick, tight, or short string of tissue under (frenulum) or within the tongue that restricts the tongue’s movement and causes a functional issue. Collectively, tongue-ties and lip-ties are referred to as tethered oral tissues. They are often misdiagnosed or misunderstood, and they are quite common. The oral dysfunction induced by a short lingual frenulum or restricted tissue within the tongue, can lead to oral-facial anatomical malformations, which decreases the size of upper airway support. Such progressive change increases the risk of upper airway collapsibility during sleep. If the tongue is held down by a tie (or restriction), the tongue is then unable to rest in the palate, so functionally (even if the palate is broad) the only place left for the tongue to go is backward, which closes off part of the airway.